Leaked documents have
suggested the US government is able to access details of smartphone and
internet activity under the Prism scheme. But what can be found out
about users in the UK and what other information is held?
Prism allegations
suggest US intelligence agencies had direct access to the servers of
nine firms including Google, Microsoft, Facebook, Yahoo, Skype and
The Guardian has reported that the UK's electronic surveillance agency, GCHQ,
had been able to see user communications data from the American internet companies, because it had access to Prism.
Going online
When you visit a website, your IP address, type of machine and screen size can easily be ascertained.
The website can also see how you got to the site - by what
search term or the last website you were on. Your location can be found
by cross-referring your IP address with other data.
If you are using a work computer, it's easy to find out who
your employer is. It is an entirely automated process, says technology
expert Tom Cheesewright. But an IP address is actually not a foolproof
way to follow individuals, he adds.
A user's IP address on a personal computer can change
regularly, he says. For this reason, most companies will only use the IP
address to get a vague idea of where their visitors are coming from.
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Your privacy rights online - useful links
In theory internet service
providers (ISPs) can "see" everything a user chooses to do online
including every website they visit. But BT, one of the biggest British
ISPs, says: "In terms of internet usage BT doesn't keep a record of any
of our customers' browsing activity as we have no business need for
Many will know of the issue of using cookies for tracking. If
you are looking at a news site and click on an advert for a car that
will be remembered. When you visit a different site a car advert is
likely to appear. Commercial transactions go back forever on a site like
Amazon. They know what books you've looked at and didn't buy. Travel
sites will record flights you reserved but didn't end up booking.
It is remembered for at least six months, says Prof Viktor
Mayer-Schonberger, co-author of Big Data: A Revolution That Will
Transform How We Live, Work, and Think.
Theoretically, a news site could use cookies to establish
that you often clicked on stories about terrorism. That might be
interesting information for the security services.
Of course, clear your cookies at the end of every browsing session and part of the ability to follow you disappears.
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Internet terms
- Cache: A component which stores data so that future requests for that data can be served faster
- Cookies: Small files automatically downloaded
to computer by websites, which can contain information about you and
what you've done on that website
- Malware: Malicious software specifically designed to damage computer or corrupt data
- Spyware: Malware which hides on your computer and gathers your personal data to send back to hackers or spammers
Search engines like Google have
the ability to remember your search terms. "Even when you make a mistake
it's remembered," says Mayer-Schonberger.
Theoretically, this might lead to someone with a legitimate
academic interest in terrorism and bomb-making techniques being labelled
a terrorist by a computer tracking programme.
But there is disagreement among the experts over the way
search engines like Google remember. It is easy to clear your cache and
cookies, Cheesewright says. Once you do that Google may remember your
searches but can't connect them to you specifically.
He believes Google's desire to find out more about you as an
individual is tempered by a fear of breaching privacy laws and
expectations. It is only interested in the information it needs to
target you with advertising and it has quite enough to do that
successfully without storing named records of individuals' search
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A right to be forgotten?
- In 2012 European Commission published plans for "right to be forgotten" law , allowing people to request for data about themselves to be deleted
- Online service providers would have to comply unless they had "legitimate" reason to do otherwise
- UK's Ministry of Justice is seeking British opt-out from any law - it claims that the law "raises unrealistic and unfair expectations."
Gmail and Yahoo both scan users'
emails. They do algorithmic analysis of your email messages, targeting
ads that relate to the content of your messages. Defenders point out
that "they", are not people, but machines. And they argue that it is a
harmless way of making advertising relevant to users and raising
Others might say that whether a machine or a human is doing
the work, the potential for a privacy breach is there. The Prism
whistleblower Edward Snowden has claimed that the National Security
has built an infrastructure that can intercept "almost everything".
"With this capability, the vast majority of human
communications are automatically ingested without targeting. If I wanted
to see your emails or your wife's phone, all I have to do is use
intercepts. I can get your emails, passwords, phone records, credit
Some experts have theorised that US security agencies can use
basic keyword searches backed by high-powered computing systems to sift
through vast quantities of data.
ISPs have certain obligations set out in security legislation. The
EU Data Retention Directive
requires providers to retain data - such as sender, recipient, time and
duration - from both email (and other electronic messaging) and
telephone calls for between six and 24 months. The content of messages
or calls is not included.
Apps and e-readers
Many apps rely on following a person's exact location. Cycling
and running apps show how far you have travelled, your route and
average speed. All such data will go "back to the mother ship", says
Mayer-Schonberger. We don't know what happens to all this data that the
application provider has at its disposal. Perhaps nothing. But there is a
risk. Such travel apps usually start from someone's home so they could
give away someone's address.
E-readers can give a surprising amount of data away about
someone. Whenever you underline a favourite bit on a Kindle that can be
sent back to Amazon. As an author, Mayer-Schonberger says it's
fascinating to see the five most underlined phrases in your book.
Social media
On Facebook, people willingly share information with a group
of their friends and acquaintances. But the mining of that information
for commercially useful data is controversial.
"All the seemingly trivial details we reveal about ourselves
online every day can be cross-referenced and correlated often to
startling effect," digital and technology
writer Tom Chatfield has said.
If you tweet and say you're popping out to a particular park
for a coffee, someone is on the trail of finding your home address.
Cross-refer the postcode of the park with the person's surname and you
might get a person's website registration details listing home address,
mobile and email address.
Tweeting with your location is disabled by default for
everyone. But people who enable this feature may later forget just what
they are revealing.
Every Facebook like is being logged. Researchers at Cambridge
University recently published research showing how even this seemingly
trivial data gives people an accurate insight into our personal
characteristics. Facebook Likes were 88% accurate for determining male
sexuality, 95% accurate distinguishing African-American from white
American and 85% accurate in differentiating Republican from Democrat.
People may regard their phone as more intimate and therefore
more private than a computer. But that is not the case, says Gareth
Beavis, phone editor at technology website TechRadar.
A person's location can be tracked in three ways via a phone.
Even when not in use for a call, a mobile phone that is switched on may
be tracked to the nearest masts from which it is taking a signal. This
is unlikely to give a very exact location, but it has been used in a
number of murder cases.
There's also the wifi network that a phone is using and its GPS - these are both more exact.
Phone calls are seen by many as even more private than
emails. After an outcry in the US over the NSA's request for data from
phone operator Verizon, President Obama insisted "nobody is listening to
your phone calls". Instead, the authorities may see telephone numbers
and serial numbers, who is calling whom, when a call is made and how
long the call lasts. It does not include the content of a call or the
callers' addresses or financial information.
On transport systems
Travel systems that use swipe cards have the potential to
accrue data. For instance, when you travel on the London Underground
using an Oyster card, swiping the card in and out to pay for your
journey, Transport for London (TfL) collects data about your movements.
It records the location, date and time an Oyster card is used
both on the Tube and on National Rail services where Oyster is
accepted. TfL says the data stays linked with your individual card for
eight weeks, after which it is permanently disassociated from that card
and held by TfL for "research purposes".
Is your data also going on a journey?
TfL says it takes the privacy of its customers "very seriously"
and complies with the Data Protection Act. It says it does not hand the
data to third parties for marketing purposes.
But journalist Henry Porter, who has written about privacy, says this kind of data allows potentially anyone to be traced.
"If you have a target and you do have access to Oyster card
data you can piece it together with CCTV footage to track someone's
movements," he says.
Most people know that when they do their weekly supermarket
shop and use a loyalty card, their local supermarket is building up a
profile of them and their shopping habits. The supermarkets use this to
target advertising and special offers and make sure their marketing is
making the most impact on customers.
When someone signs up for a loyalty card used by chains such as
Sainsbury's, Argos and Homebase, they agree to share their shopping
habits with the retailers, who then analyse it to send special offers
and information they think the customer might be interested in.
And it's not just about special offers. It has recently been reported that Tesco intends to
use data from its 16 million Clubcard users to help tackle obesity, by giving customers tailored suggestions for how to shop more healthily.
It was claimed that the Target chain in the US was able to second-guess
if a woman was pregnant before her own family.
Even supermarkets that don't have a loyalty card scheme -
such as Morrisons - will still track customer habits. Morrisons use an
anonymised card number from your debit or credit card when you pay to
track which groceries people buy.
The UK is said to have arguably the greatest concentration of CCTV in the world.
No-one knows precisely how many cameras are actually watching
the UK, but estimates range from 1.85 million to 4.2 million, making
Britons among the world's most watched people.
But CCTV systems are not connected so there is no overarching control room able to see and collect all our movements.
Facial recognition technology, which uses algorithms to
identify facial features and match them to an image database, is also on
the rise - offering the prospect that one day "a face could be traced
through an entire day in a city centre", according to Porter.
CCTV images are covered by the Data Protection Act, which
gives you the right to see CCTV images of yourself, or images which give
away personal information, such as your number plate, but there are no
rules on exactly how long the images can be kept for.
The government has recently introduced a new code of conduct
to regulate CCTV use. Councils and police forces will have to review
regularly all of their cameras to see whether they are still "necessary,
proportionate and effective", but there are fewer regulations on those
operating in businesses and on private property.
Police have been using automatic number plate recognition cameras for a number of years to track vehicles.
Their network of cameras, which is around 4,000-strong, logs
more than 10 million vehicles every day. It takes a snapshot of a car's
number plate and records the date, time and place of capture. The
cameras capture the front of cars, and photographs can include images of
the driver and any passengers.
The cameras work by scanning number plates and instantly
checking them against information stored in various databases to
identify vehicles of interest to the police. An ANPR (Automated Number
Plate Recognition) camera can read a number plate every second. The data
can be used in real time to track and catch anyone of interest to the
police on the roads.
In some cases, cameras will actually alert police when a
specific number plate drives past it. When officers were looking for
those suspected of killing police officer Sharon Beshenivsky in Bradford
in 2005, the monitoring system "pinged" every time the getaway car
drove past a camera, allowing the police to track their movements in
real time.
HM Revenue and Customs and the Serious Organised Crime Agency
also use the ANPR system for investigations. So do the DVLA and the
Highways Agency.
Private companies can use similar technology on a much
smaller scale using their own cameras - for instance, if a supermarket
or car park chain wants to enforce parking restrictions or ensure
customers do not leave without paying.
The government is introducing a new code of conduct to
tighten up access to CCTV and ANPR databases, which it says will ensure
both are used proportionately, and are more focused in helping to fight
But critics argue that the code is not strong enough, that it
lacks sanctions against those who breach the code, and does not
properly regulate private CCTV and ANPR systems.
Credit reference agencies
Credit reference agencies gather data on an individual's
financial life, including data on their credit cards, bank accounts,
mortgages and bills.
Continue reading the main story
The Magazine on internet privacy
What is 'ungoogleable'?:
"The word "ungoogleable" has been removed from a list of new Swedish
words after a trademark spat. But it raises the question of what can and
can't be found with a search engine." (March 2013)
How much privacy can smartphone users expect?:
"The US Supreme Court could soon allow police to monitor the movements
of US mobile phone users without a warrant. Now that most of us carry
sophisticated tracking devices in our pockets, how much privacy do we
have a right to expect?" (November 2011
Banks, mobile phone providers and
even utility companies are among those who pass customer information to
these agencies so they can produce reports on creditworthiness.
The three credit reference agencies in the UK are Experian,
Equifax and Callcredit. They use a range of data, from the electoral
roll to credit card payments. Everyone has the statutory right to see
their report, usually for a £2 fee.
A typical credit history lists credit accounts, the date they
were opened, the credit limit or loan amount, and whether the
individual has missed any payments. It will also include personal
details such as name, current and previous addresses and date of birth.
All three major UK agencies have contracts with both central
and local government to help tackle benefit fraud - such as benefits
claimed on the grounds of living alone.
A local authority could run checks on those receiving the
single person discount for council tax, and credit agencies would flag
up when other people were also linked with that address - perhaps
through bank accounts, mobile phone bills or simply the electoral roll.
Further investigations could then be made.
All the agencies stress that they are are bound by data protection legislation and that this is very strictly adhered to.
Electoral roll
It is illegal not to register to vote in the UK, although many
people choose not to, for various reasons, and avoid punishment. The
result of registration is the electoral roll - a public record of where
each voter lives that has proved a goldmine to junk-mail firms,
marketing people and journalists over the years.
Britons now have the option not to appear on the publicly
available list and instead only to appear on a restricted version for
the use of the authorities. But credit reference agencies have
successfully argued that they should have access to this unabridged
version. Political parties and MPs also have access to the full
Choosing not to register means you will struggle to get even the smallest amount of credit.
The publicly available version of the register can be sold to
any person, organisation or company and used for any number of
purposes, including direct marketing. The electoral roll provides a
history of every place you have ever lived.
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